Recount 4.3 4 Wow Addon

2020. 3. 1. 17:35카테고리 없음

Wow classic addons
  1. Wow Classic Addon Recount Help
  2. Wow 3.3.5 Addons

Wow Classic Addon Recount Help

For those of you that wish the font size of the combat log was bigger I found out a way to edit it so it's readable. I have my UI scaled down to 80% and it looks great now. I'm hoping that this will also make it readable for people with a higher resolution than 1080p. I haven't tested it as that's my max resolution.Here's the download link:I edited 2 files in the.Elder Scrolls OnlineliveAddOnsRecount folder: Recount.xml & Recount.lua-Replaced all instances of ZoFontGameSmall with ZoFontGameLargeBold in Recount.xmlChanged default font size in progressBarFontSize from 13 to 18 (line 90) inRecount.lua to match font size of Combat Log-If the font size is still too small you can replace ZoFontGameLargeBold with any of these other fonts: in Recount.xml.I'm pretty sure the original font, ZoFontGameSmall, was only size 13 (KB13).

Wow 3.3.5 Addons

The one I chose is size 18. From the wiki page you can see some fonts go up to size 54. There's also 2 size 16 fonts (ZoFontWinH5 & ZoFontWinT2) if you want it slightly smaller than the one I set.

I just liked the way ZoFontGameLargeBold looked a little better.As for the edit to Recount.lua, you don't really have to change that. Font settings can be changed in game in the Recount addon settings. I just did it to make all the report summary font sizes match the Combat log.Hope this helps out some people ^^-@DioscuriEdit: Had to remove readme.txt file I added to the zip file because it showed up in the addons list in game.

Recount 4.3 4 Wow Addon

I have it installed and see the window, but there is no text.